Forge is a great boy, moderate in bone with longer coat of moderate density and lovely head type. Forge is a clean mover - he converges coming and going, moderate side gait with no wasted excessive flash. Forge is a gem of a temperament, gentle with kids and puppies, he's calm and laid back but will turn on when asked. He's an excellent water dog, loves fetch and is obsessed with frisbee. Forge is a St. John's Ambulance Therapy dog(like his daddy "Josh"), he's a snuggle bug and has a lovely calming energy which I think will really suit this job. Forge finished his CKC Championship quickly at 8 months of age, he's been shown in CKC on a very limited basis since then, he has garnered Select Dog and Best of Breed regularly and has earned 13pts towards his GrCH, hoping to complete this achievement in 2023. Forge was shown and earned his AKC Championship in a quick 2 weekends out, he earned WD in 6 of 7 large entry shows and was awarded BOW in 3 of those 6 with multiple major wins along the way. In ASCA Forge has earned 5 ASCA Points, including one Major 4 point WD/BOW win in Michigan under Breeder Judge Lori Anglemeyr and is regularly recognized going RWD to the major in the shows we have attended. Forge has a heart of gold, sweet disposition and is very easy to live with.